Conociendo el CTD CAO16 de Casco Antiguo

The CAO16 CTD by Casco Antiguo is an essential instrument for measuring three key parameters: conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth). These data points are fundamental for deriving values such as salinity, density, and sound speed, all of which are crucial for oceanographic research and studies.

Key Features of the CAO16

This device stands out for its ability to configure the optimal sampling regime, which is vital for obtaining precise and consistent measurements. Additionally, the CAO16 is highly versatile, suitable for various applications, including:

  • Tide level monitoring

  • Mooring systems

  • Water column profiling

The robust design of the CAO16 allows it to be deployed both independently and integrated into more complex observation platforms, such as:

  • Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)

  • Submarine gliders

  • Fixed observation buoys

Reliability and Precision in Extreme Conditions

The CAO16 probes are designed to deliver accurate results even in the harshest conditions. This device has been tested and proven to operate reliably at depths exceeding 7,200 meters, making it an indispensable tool for deep ocean studies.

The CAO16 CTD from Casco Antiguo not only facilitates the work of scientists and oceanographers but also ensures that the data obtained is of high quality, thus enabling better understanding and management of our oceans.

Want to learn more about how the CAO16 can transform your oceanographic research? Contact us for more information and discover all that this incredible instrument has to offer!

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Categories: Oceanography

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